Friday, September 12, 2008

Couple of rules of thumb

In last post, I have explain to you how women test guy and why are they testing them? Let make this simple, let say you are going out with a super hottie women. You treat them well and do nice thing for them on your own term. This is what i mean, if she asks for a kiss, say "No" but kiss her later when you feel like it, if you know that she like chocolate and she asks for some.. don't give it to her but surprise her with some next time you see her. Here are a couple of rules of thumb that I use:

1. Never give a women a direct answer, unless the answer is NO. This is a big one. If she says 'Can we sit here?" I say "No, let's sit in this one next to it." or she says "How do you like my dress?" I say "Well, I think that I like it.. just give me a few minutes to see it on you" or if she say "Call me tomorrow" I say "No, you call me tomorrow.. cummon, you want me and you know it" Get it?

2. If she complains about you or doesn't like something, turn it up a notch and do it more. If she says to me "I don't really like it when you say that" I say "Well then you might want to leave, because I say it a lot" Get it?

3. Women are CONSTANTLY testing to see if they can get you to comply with them, and as soon as you do, they hit the road (or marry you). Hot women can have anything they want. What they want is a challenge. something that keep their interest. Here it comes.. If a woman can have anything she wants anytime she want it, then why the hell do guys think that they're going to be interesting by doing the same thing that every other guy have done? It'll not make a sense, but hey.. pay very careful attention, and never let her have what she wants. NEVER EVER GIVE A WOMAN EXACTLY WHAT SHE ASK. Be in control.

4. Always send mixed signals. Tell her I want to be friends, and kiss her. Tell her that what she just did was unacceptable, then go kiss her. Spank her if she does something nice. Also, respond differently to the same thing. For example, one time if she comes over and sits on my lap, I kiss her. Another time I push her off.. get it? Never be predictable .. NEVER.

For the record, when I say "always" and "never" I don't really mean "ALWAYS 100% WITHOUT EXCEPTION EVER." I mean do these as much as you possibly can, because you really can't overdo any of them as long as you stay cocky and funny while you're doing them.

The best is always "Is she laughing, smiling, having fun most of the time?" If so, you can't overdo these four rules.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

How women test men and why

You'll notice that many super hotties will throw tantrums if they don't like what's going on or not getting their way. This is a sure sign that they are not living in the same reality as most people. When they don't get what they want, they get upset because this has worked since they were little. Now, on a subconscious level, I've noticed that most hot women realize that they are being ridiculous when they act like bitches, throw tantrum, etc, but it doesn't really matter because it still works for them when they want what they want.

Underneath all of this, they are still female and they are looking for what other females are looking for. What are women looking for? There is no exact answer on that question. It is always depending on them on what they always want. But, here's my take on it. First and foremost, they want a man that is in control -->of the situation, his emotion, other people, her .. contorl of the entire reality that they share. Let me ask you, if you were a woman that wanted to test a man to see if he will stay in contol, how would you do it? Would you ask the man "If I get out of hand, will you spank me and put me in my place?" NO WAY!!!

So they test us by CHALLENGING to see if we'll stay in control. The reason I do all of this "Never give a woman a direct answer.. unless it's NO.. Never give a woman exactly what she want" etc is, ironically, to give her what she really want... a man that's control. Woman want a challenge. Think romance novel themes.. if you don't know what I'm talking about, sit yourself down for a week and read Dangerous Men, Adventurous Women.. How to Succeed with women by being jerk, Endless Rapture and Bad Boys and think about it. Most of the time, I'm enjoying myself, talking about whatever comes up, making jokes, and generally behaving like a normal person.

But, Like anything else, if these techniques are used too much, they become worthless, so they must be used with precision and at the right moments. What's interesting is that because I usually (but not always) do these teasing and seemingly controlling things with a bit of a try humor spin, I believe that the women that I'm with has an internal response like ,"Wow, this guy is cocky, but I can't tell if he's serious or not.. and I want to find out, but either way, he's funny and he's staying interested in me, and not being flagrantly abusive.. so he must be interesting at some level.

They key is to WATCH FOR THE TEST and be ready when they come.

Most guys screw up when a woman acts bratty, when a woman gets upset, they say , "Oh, I'm sorry" and mess it up. Or they act nervous etc. You have to stay in control. If a woman start getting angry, instead of getting nervous, say , "Oh, poor baby is throwing a tantrum.. so what, you've been doing this same thing since you were 2 and you didn't get your way" -->Kedubusssss!! hehehe

Another realization that I've come to is that most women are totally intrigued by men that seem uninterested and crass. It's almost like they say to themselves "Wow, this guy seem kind of cocky.. and can't believe that he's not interested in having sex with me like all the other dumb pussies that I meet and when I do, I'll just dump him like the other loser.. but this might be fun.." GET IT?

But if you are going to act this wat, you have to keep it up until the end.. and I mean to the end.. I'm going to address the 'treating women well issues again. I treat women very well.. they always tell me that they've never met a man that treated them so well..

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

On look and body language

Most men that i talk to who want to learn how to be successful with women ask me things like "What's a good line? or "What do you say when they say this?" For some reason, most people forget that language is a SECONDARY way of communicating. It's to be used when there's no faster way. When two people are communicating in person, most of the communication is happening through body language and voice tune and very little through the actual words. Studies have show that as little as 7% of your communication is the words, and the other 93% is your body language and voice tone. So which do you think is more powerful when dealing with women? Yeahhhh... Thats right . The body language and voice tone.

Many people agree that women are far more sensitive to body language than men are. I have to say, in my experience, women can detect all kinds of things from body language. Ask a female friend to describe what's going on with a person by looking at them, and you'll be suprised at all the information they'll give you. So it follow that if women are so in tune with body language, you might as well get some of the basics together so you're transmitting the right message.

Women prefer men that are confident, bordering and arrogant. Most women will tell you that arrogant men turn them off, but I've found that you mix humor with a little arrogance, it's a killer.

So, this is a question: How do you use your body to telegraph confidence? Here is some tips, try to practice it until you are confidence doing that in front the women-->

First of all you walk upright, hold your head up, and hold your shoulder back. Then, slow down you movement, and make slower calculated gestures. Make eyes contact and keep it when you see women. You dont look away until they do, and you kind of squint and raise an eyebrow.

I've done a lot of work in this area and I've found that by slowing down, I create mystery and intrigue. I literally practice slowing down my walk, my gestures, how fast I turn my head, how fast I talk, even how fast I blink.

Also, try taking up more space and opening up your physiology. If you're seated, keep your legs and arm uncrossed. Keep your leg far apart and your shoulder back. Don't lean forward, lean back. This might sound little far out to some people, but these little details make all the difference when dealing with a woman.

I personally believe that when a man is self-confident (or, more specifically, a women believes that a man is self confident) this is attractive to women on an unconscious level. What I mean is that this activates a part of a women's brain that can't help but fell an ATTRACTION.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Personality trait that attract women.

In this post, i love to share with you some personality trait that women find most attractive. Some are better when used with other, and some don't work well together. Look at yourself and find out do you have any of them. If you have them, polish them and make it useful for you.

Humor is just plain powerful with women. If you can keep her laughing, you will go far.

*Intelligent and creative*
Intelligence is sexy if it's used in a way that's interesting to her. Use your creativity and intelligence to surprise her with idea, fantasies and unexpected things that charm her.

Education is attractive to women as long as it's used in an interesting way. Some women are actually intimidated by education, as they're not educated (This usually works in your favor)

*Classy and cultured*
If you have class, women pick up on this. Do your shoes and belt match? Do you understand interior design and color contrast? Do you know about different types of wine? Do you like foreign movies? Do you understand fashion? Women notice this stuff BIG TIME.

Women have an unconscious attraction to dominant men. The dominant males in some primate groups account for up to 75 percent of all the matings, while the less dominant males go without. Same goes for humans.

Women don't just like gift, they like knowing that you were thinking of them. The gift is a symbol. Women feel the same amount of good inside whether it's a card or a diomand. But the fact is that women like to know that you're thinking about them. Even if you're telling a woman that you don't like it that she was out with another guy, she'll like it, because it means you were thinking about her!

*Notices significant details*
Women don't just notice details, they USE them to try to be attractive and attentive. If she is wearing a sexy outfit, she didn't put it on by accident. If her hair is done nicely, it wasn't a fluke. Women are very impressed and attracted to men that notice these details.

Here's a paradox. Women are drawn to men that they can't control or predict. They obsess over guy who flirt and give them attention, then don't call the next day. Predictability is only attractive when it come to choosing a HUSBAND. Then a woman usually wants a man who's very predictable.

*Enthusiastic, Fun, Happy*
Nothing is bigger turn off than a killjoy. Some men get upset and pout when a women is happy and try to put down the things that she enjoys to sound superior. THis is usually a HUGE mistake. Enthusiasm is infectious and attractive.

Women are instantly attracted to men who like to do extreme, adventurous, unusual, even dangerous things. It's exciting. Adventurism is sexy.

Women love men that know what they want and go after it. Passion is a sign of life. I was talking about the kind of aggressive that turns into setting goal and then going after it with passion and getting it no matter what.

Women are magnetically attracted to men who are just a little bit too cocky. Just a little bit. The confident/cocky trait is mild overconfidence a combined with humor. Drives women wild.

If you're an expert in an area that is interesting to your kind of woman, this can be attractive. It needs to be presented from a "I know a lot about this, let me show you" prespective, not a "I'm cool and you're not" angle/

Women like attention. If you say "I was thinking about you earlier today. And I just wanted to mention that I really like sound of your voice.." it's much powerful than listening to them complain about something so they think you're paying attention.

*Disinterest, Indifference, a challenge*
Most women are used to being perused by men in one way or another. If you are indifferent to a woman, make her think that you're only calling because you're bored, and act almost disinterested sexually, they'll often do their best to get your attention. Different is good in this case.

(attention with a polished, smooth approach). This is a hard to describe. Watch a James Bond movie to get an idea. And watch 'Dirty Rotten Scoundrels'. Pay attention to Micheal Cain's character. Charm is powerful because it has a certain 'prince on a white horse' aspect to it.

*Romantic, Imagination and perspective*
A romantic imagination sees opportunities for poetic comments, interesting stories, fascinating history, and emotional interpretation in everything.

*Expert in body language*
This is important, as women are constantly sending signals.

*Sexual Mastery*
Women love sex just as much as men do. But just like everything else in life, a great lover is not easy to find. Women become instantly addicted to skillful lover who know how to make them feel ecstasy and teach them new ways of feeling incredible.

Every women is slightly different. There is no one magic system that every women responds to. If what you're doing doesn't work, don't throw out the system. Try it on a different women. So start right now. Take a moment and describe the type of woman that you'd like to attract. Then write down the qualities that you think will attract her. Then go to work cultivating these quality.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The six thing that attract women

I believe that there are six thing that will make women attracted.

1.)Means (Wealth, possessions, gift to them or providing for them) 2.)Power (Influence, leadership, provide safety) 3.)Fame 4.)Looks (Including height) 5.)Exclusivity (Royalty, already married, hard to get, affiliation) 6.)Persenolity (Humor, creativity, romance, intelligence, mystique etc.)

Now, numbers one through five are largely out of your immediate control. If you're not rich, you're probably not going to get rich this week. If you're not famous or tall, you're probably not going to be in a hit movie or grow 6 inches in the next 24 hours.

So that leaves us with number six, PERSONALITY.
The good news is that as far as I'm concerned, your personality is your greatest asset in the success-with-women game.

Fortunately, it's the one thing you can change. And it's the one thing that can overcome all of the rest. After you've done what you can to look your best, etc. you have to develop a personality that's absolutely magnetic. By the way, the one quality that attract women the most (end keeps them attracted) is not something that they can initially 'look' for. It's the way they feel when thwy are with you or thinking of you. In the end, if you don't have wealth, power, fame, or looks you're going to have to use your personality to make them feel good. In the end, your personality is the most powerful weapon you have.

How men usually find women

There is some same behaviour between human and animals when we talking about mating and courtships behavior. Here are the mains ways male animals (human included) find females:

-Staking out a small territory among other males where females come specifically to select between males who are displaying for them (called Lekking in the animals kingdom).

-Staking out a larger territory where where other males aren't allowed and showing they can provide for a female because they control a large territory.

-Visiting places where females gather or are likely to be and displaying for them.

-Choosing a spot where they are very visible and displaying in hopes that a passing female will show interest.

Some human equivalent of these are:

-Hanging out at a gym or on the beach with other guys to show off for women.

-Buying a big house and inviting women over to see how successful and rich you are, and that you can provide for them.

-Going to Yoga class where you know there will be 10 women for every man.

-Becoming famous or popular, thus placing yourself in the path of many women.

The point is, there's nothing new under the sun. If you want to meet women, you have to:

1.)Decide what kind of women you want/ 2.)Find out what is attractive to her and be it. 3.)Go where these women are likely to be (or set up a situation where they come to you) 4.)Approach them and engage (or, if you can figure out how to get them to approach you, do it)

It's all the same game. Most men that are failure with women aren't willing to do what it takes to be successful. That's the bottom line. So "ARE YOU WILLING TO DO THE WORK THAT IT WILL TAKE TO BE SUCCESSFUL?"

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Watch your behavior

In my experience, it's far better to attract a woman than to chase woman. If a woman is attracted to you, half the game is over. Let say there we are selling something, it's much easier to sell our product to someone who's called you and said "Can you help me?" than to try to sell to people who you've called cold.

By studying marketing and sales, I've learn that humans are attracted to things that uniique. They are also attracted to thing that are superior. So, be different in a preferential way. In the mating game, it's pays to be different in an attractive way. THE KEY IS BE DIFFERENT IN AN ATTRACTIVE WAY. But make sure that you're not too different. If you get too carreid away with this, you'll be outside of realm of 'normal' and you will wind up hurting yourself. So experience and test to see what works with you.

Insecurity and neediness are two of the biggest obstacles to success with woman. Insecurity and neediness are two sides of the same coin. A man is needy when he craves attention of recognition. He shows that he's insecure when he acts of these needs. Insecurity shows up when a man does not feel comfortable with who he is orin the situation that he's in. He acts tentative, week, and unsure. He tries to put on a show of confidence that is obvviously fake. He says things that are out of place in an attempt to get approval. WOMAN DETECT INSECURITY AND NEEDINESS INSTANTLY.

Here are some examples of insecurity and neediness to avoid:

-Hanging on a woman. Don't touch a woman or crowd her too much in the beginning. Instead, lean back and let her become comfortable being around you.

-Talking or saying negative things about women or past girlfriend. If you talk to much about past girlfriends or other women, or say negative about them, a woman will judge you to be insecure.

-Looking to other to make decisions. Women like it when you decide what's going to happen, then do it. If you are always asking "Well, what do you think I should do?" and "Where do you want to go tonight?" and "What do you want?" you'll come off as needy. Just make decisions and go with it. If she has a different idea, she'll let you know.

-Saying or doing things to just to be noticed or to get compliments. I've known a lot of men who try to act cool or show off to get attention. This telegraphs top a woman that you're insecure and needy. Don't do it. If you're cool, she'll figure it out without you telling her.

-Arguing. This is my favorite. Some people feel they need argue with everything. If you're one of these people, just realize that this is clear demonstration that you're insecure and needy. You may always be right, but being overly argumentative is bad for your sex life. Deal with it. If you really want to argue with something, do it in a funny way, not in a serious way.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Give your opinion

What do you think? Is seduction some kind of talent or science?


Having problem to face women? You just need a new skill. If you have some area of your life that isn't working for you, you probably need a new skill.

Meeting women comes down to skills. If you're having a problem in a particular area, get new skills to deal with it. For instance, if you have learned to meet women and get phone number, you might start having them flake out and not show up for planned meeting. Solution: A new skill. You need to learn the skill of getting women to meet you after making plans. There are many parts to being succesful with women, and they all work together. You may already know some of them, you need to learn like how and when to kiss a women, you'll still keep running into challenge.

Remember, if you're having challenge you need a skill.

Improve yourself

Ok.. let we start this conversation by asking you how much you have done for being attractive to woman. How much you have spend to buy a super hot cloths? Before you start to flirting or hang around with woman, you should started to work on yourself presentation. It's important to get every possible thing going for you that you can. Let say that you have messed up teeth, that doesn't prevent you from dressing well. Get cool hair style -you can ask a stylist what's cool and get help on this one. Buy nice clothes- don't tell me that you don't have the money, get on eBay or, go to the Nordstrom Rack and look at the clearance item. If you do just few key things, they won't necessarily HELP you attract women, but they'll get rid of thing that are preventing you from attracting women now that you don't realize.

Make no mistake about, if you're interested in attractive women, you'd better realize right now that these things make a difference. You don't have to work out ten times a week, but get you body in at least OK shape. You don't to have perfect teeth, but make sure that they're clean and you breath is great. Women notice details that most men don't. They notice if your belt and shoes match. They notice what kind of food you like to eat. They notice all the details, then make assumptions about every other area of you life based on these details. So learn what nice shoes are, and how to keep them nice. Figure out how colors and clothing go together and what is cool. It's worth it. And of course, don't over do it.

This is a list of random things to improve:
- Keep all nails on body short, clean and neat.
-The only place hair is good is on your hair. Keep all other hair trimmed, or have it removed. Nose and ear hairs are a no-no. Bushy eyebrows are a no-no. Bushy pubic hairs are a no-no.
-Keep the teeth clean. Get a tongue scraper and use it a lot. Floss. Use mouthwash. Fix any and blatantly wrong teeth. Do it.
-Wash yourself three times when you shower. Dirt and body odors don't come off with just a rinse. Wash your body completely three times before you meet a woman.
-Use a good deodorant.
-Keep feet, shoes, and socks ultra clean. No foot odor is permitted, period.
-Get a good cologne. Try Dolce and Gabanna, Cerruti Image, or Gaultier for men. And don't over do it. No cologne is better than a lot of cologne. One or two squirts, applied an hour before you're going to meet women is best.

Keep improving all the time, even if it's the smallest detail. Remember, women notice the details and assume you handle everything else the same way.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Where our desires come from

In psychology and behaviour's study, the most of our desires, drives, preferences, strengths, weakness, behaviour and personality traits are determined by our DNA and some by our social conditioning. It is like latgely a matter of programming from birth (read Myers-Briggs Type Indicators or book Who Am I?)

However, they got to be interested in these common things, most women have a few interest, need, desires or wahtever you want to call them when it come to men relationships and romance.
Have you ever listened to a group women talking about men? Even notice how they speak largely in some kind of code language and constantly make a big deal our of tiny details that seem totally irrelevent? Have you ever noticed hot attracted to drama most women are? -->> Drama accomplished a lot of things at once. It gets attention, it send emotions through the body (emotion are highly addictive chemicals), it's a way to be self righteous, it's often fun, it's interesting and prevent boredom, it gives things meaning. The are a lot of good reasons for drama fulfills needs that most men don't have.

It's like women saying "I hate it when all guy talk about sports." What needs to sports fulfill for men? Competition, adrenaline, power, domination and all the typical guy stuff. Incidentally, stuff that fulfills needs that women just plain don't have.

Men and women are completely different

In this world, there are only two types of human being or homosapien which is we call man and woman. Although, both of them have their six sense, have their own body, etc but the way they think and act are completely different. In this blog, I wanna share with you guy how to act and think about success with women. It's taken me a long time to fiugre out of the thing that you're about to learn. I've spent years on this.

So, to begin success with women, we (men) should know how women act and think. Every woman is a unique creature. But women have more commonalties than they have difference. Much of their behavior makes no sense at all (to men). This is because women THINK differently than most men and women want different thing things than most men.This is hard for many men to garsp or understand, but it's true. And as sooner you get a handle on what's going on here, the sooner you'll be more successfull with women.

Have you ever think what entertains women compared to what entertains men? Women buy Cosmopolitan magazine, watch soap opera, and read romance novels. Men buy Playboys, watch sport and read paper. I'll tell you why. It's because women's brain are wired differently from men's brain. And by telling you what attract women's attention, I've also given a clu how to attract them to you.

So let start off with this shft in thinking: Think about what the women that you're interested and need, and don't assume that these are the same thing hat you need and want. And don't assume that waht women want is going to make any sense at all to you, because it probally won't. :-).