Friday, September 12, 2008

Couple of rules of thumb

In last post, I have explain to you how women test guy and why are they testing them? Let make this simple, let say you are going out with a super hottie women. You treat them well and do nice thing for them on your own term. This is what i mean, if she asks for a kiss, say "No" but kiss her later when you feel like it, if you know that she like chocolate and she asks for some.. don't give it to her but surprise her with some next time you see her. Here are a couple of rules of thumb that I use:

1. Never give a women a direct answer, unless the answer is NO. This is a big one. If she says 'Can we sit here?" I say "No, let's sit in this one next to it." or she says "How do you like my dress?" I say "Well, I think that I like it.. just give me a few minutes to see it on you" or if she say "Call me tomorrow" I say "No, you call me tomorrow.. cummon, you want me and you know it" Get it?

2. If she complains about you or doesn't like something, turn it up a notch and do it more. If she says to me "I don't really like it when you say that" I say "Well then you might want to leave, because I say it a lot" Get it?

3. Women are CONSTANTLY testing to see if they can get you to comply with them, and as soon as you do, they hit the road (or marry you). Hot women can have anything they want. What they want is a challenge. something that keep their interest. Here it comes.. If a woman can have anything she wants anytime she want it, then why the hell do guys think that they're going to be interesting by doing the same thing that every other guy have done? It'll not make a sense, but hey.. pay very careful attention, and never let her have what she wants. NEVER EVER GIVE A WOMAN EXACTLY WHAT SHE ASK. Be in control.

4. Always send mixed signals. Tell her I want to be friends, and kiss her. Tell her that what she just did was unacceptable, then go kiss her. Spank her if she does something nice. Also, respond differently to the same thing. For example, one time if she comes over and sits on my lap, I kiss her. Another time I push her off.. get it? Never be predictable .. NEVER.

For the record, when I say "always" and "never" I don't really mean "ALWAYS 100% WITHOUT EXCEPTION EVER." I mean do these as much as you possibly can, because you really can't overdo any of them as long as you stay cocky and funny while you're doing them.

The best is always "Is she laughing, smiling, having fun most of the time?" If so, you can't overdo these four rules.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

How women test men and why

You'll notice that many super hotties will throw tantrums if they don't like what's going on or not getting their way. This is a sure sign that they are not living in the same reality as most people. When they don't get what they want, they get upset because this has worked since they were little. Now, on a subconscious level, I've noticed that most hot women realize that they are being ridiculous when they act like bitches, throw tantrum, etc, but it doesn't really matter because it still works for them when they want what they want.

Underneath all of this, they are still female and they are looking for what other females are looking for. What are women looking for? There is no exact answer on that question. It is always depending on them on what they always want. But, here's my take on it. First and foremost, they want a man that is in control -->of the situation, his emotion, other people, her .. contorl of the entire reality that they share. Let me ask you, if you were a woman that wanted to test a man to see if he will stay in contol, how would you do it? Would you ask the man "If I get out of hand, will you spank me and put me in my place?" NO WAY!!!

So they test us by CHALLENGING to see if we'll stay in control. The reason I do all of this "Never give a woman a direct answer.. unless it's NO.. Never give a woman exactly what she want" etc is, ironically, to give her what she really want... a man that's control. Woman want a challenge. Think romance novel themes.. if you don't know what I'm talking about, sit yourself down for a week and read Dangerous Men, Adventurous Women.. How to Succeed with women by being jerk, Endless Rapture and Bad Boys and think about it. Most of the time, I'm enjoying myself, talking about whatever comes up, making jokes, and generally behaving like a normal person.

But, Like anything else, if these techniques are used too much, they become worthless, so they must be used with precision and at the right moments. What's interesting is that because I usually (but not always) do these teasing and seemingly controlling things with a bit of a try humor spin, I believe that the women that I'm with has an internal response like ,"Wow, this guy is cocky, but I can't tell if he's serious or not.. and I want to find out, but either way, he's funny and he's staying interested in me, and not being flagrantly abusive.. so he must be interesting at some level.

They key is to WATCH FOR THE TEST and be ready when they come.

Most guys screw up when a woman acts bratty, when a woman gets upset, they say , "Oh, I'm sorry" and mess it up. Or they act nervous etc. You have to stay in control. If a woman start getting angry, instead of getting nervous, say , "Oh, poor baby is throwing a tantrum.. so what, you've been doing this same thing since you were 2 and you didn't get your way" -->Kedubusssss!! hehehe

Another realization that I've come to is that most women are totally intrigued by men that seem uninterested and crass. It's almost like they say to themselves "Wow, this guy seem kind of cocky.. and can't believe that he's not interested in having sex with me like all the other dumb pussies that I meet and when I do, I'll just dump him like the other loser.. but this might be fun.." GET IT?

But if you are going to act this wat, you have to keep it up until the end.. and I mean to the end.. I'm going to address the 'treating women well issues again. I treat women very well.. they always tell me that they've never met a man that treated them so well..

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

On look and body language

Most men that i talk to who want to learn how to be successful with women ask me things like "What's a good line? or "What do you say when they say this?" For some reason, most people forget that language is a SECONDARY way of communicating. It's to be used when there's no faster way. When two people are communicating in person, most of the communication is happening through body language and voice tune and very little through the actual words. Studies have show that as little as 7% of your communication is the words, and the other 93% is your body language and voice tone. So which do you think is more powerful when dealing with women? Yeahhhh... Thats right . The body language and voice tone.

Many people agree that women are far more sensitive to body language than men are. I have to say, in my experience, women can detect all kinds of things from body language. Ask a female friend to describe what's going on with a person by looking at them, and you'll be suprised at all the information they'll give you. So it follow that if women are so in tune with body language, you might as well get some of the basics together so you're transmitting the right message.

Women prefer men that are confident, bordering and arrogant. Most women will tell you that arrogant men turn them off, but I've found that you mix humor with a little arrogance, it's a killer.

So, this is a question: How do you use your body to telegraph confidence? Here is some tips, try to practice it until you are confidence doing that in front the women-->

First of all you walk upright, hold your head up, and hold your shoulder back. Then, slow down you movement, and make slower calculated gestures. Make eyes contact and keep it when you see women. You dont look away until they do, and you kind of squint and raise an eyebrow.

I've done a lot of work in this area and I've found that by slowing down, I create mystery and intrigue. I literally practice slowing down my walk, my gestures, how fast I turn my head, how fast I talk, even how fast I blink.

Also, try taking up more space and opening up your physiology. If you're seated, keep your legs and arm uncrossed. Keep your leg far apart and your shoulder back. Don't lean forward, lean back. This might sound little far out to some people, but these little details make all the difference when dealing with a woman.

I personally believe that when a man is self-confident (or, more specifically, a women believes that a man is self confident) this is attractive to women on an unconscious level. What I mean is that this activates a part of a women's brain that can't help but fell an ATTRACTION.